How to Test and Evaluate Displays and Projectors
Detailed guidelines for testing and evaluating displays and projectors.
How to Connect an HDTV and Calibrate it with DisplayMate
Explains how to make the appropriate signal cable connections
between a computer and HDTV.
What Makes a Great CRT
Testing and Evaluating CRTs
Detailed analysis on testing CRTs with DisplayMate.
What Makes a Great LCD
Testing and Evaluating LCDs
Detailed analysis on testing LCDs with DisplayMate.
Comparison Chart for CRTs versus LCDs
CRT and LCD Motion Artifacts
Detailed comparisons between CRTs and LCDs.
Multimedia and HDTV Display Technology Shoot-Outs
Detailed comparisons of CRT, LCD, Plasma, DLP, and LCoS Display Technologies
using the DisplayMate Multimedia Editions with a laboratory Spectroradiometer.
Smartphone and Tablet Display Technology Shoot-Outs
Detailed comparisons of LCD and OLED displays on Mobile Devices
using the DisplayMate Multimedia Editions with a laboratory Spectroradiometer.