Sony PSP
and Nintendo DS Lite
Dr. Raymond M. Soneira
President, DisplayMate Technologies Corp.
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the Nintendo DS Lite and Sony PSP (Play Station Portable) are primarily gaming
consoles, they both can be used for looking at slide shows of digital photos
and watching movies and videos. But, how good are their small screens? Are they
toys, pretentious devices, or high quality displays that can produce excellent
picture quality comparable to your HDTV or computer monitor? And how do they
compare to the players and smart phones in Part I and Part II? To
answer these questions I used the same high-powered analysis methods we use for
testing and evaluating high-end HDTVs at DisplayMate
Technologies. We’re going to find out how worthy these little devices are…
The Consoles
The Nintendo and Sony consoles are both very innovative
handheld portable devices. The PSP was designed from the ground up as a
multimedia console, with full support for photos, videos, and movies via Flash
memory and small DVD-like UMDs (Sony’s proprietary Universal Media Discs). But,
unlike Sony, Nintendo has concentrated almost exclusively on gaming for the DS Lite,
although a small selection of cartoon movies are available via a compatibility
mode with the earlier Game Boy Advance. As a result, a decent size cottage
industry of hackers has arisen to supply Flash memory based games, photo
viewers, and video/movie players. With the DS Lite this is accomplished by
using an adapter with Flash memory that connects to the console as a game
cartridge. There are a number of such products available. We used the M3 Adapter (specifically the M3 Perfect
with Passcard 3 for the DS Lite, which costs about $100). It works well, but
there is virtually no documentation or support.
Table 1 lists the most important display specifications
for the consoles. The DS (Dual Screen) Lite has two identical LCD screens. A
Touchscreen is included with the lower main screen.
Table 1 – Display Specs
DS Lite
Screen Size
Dual 3.0 inches
4.3 inches
Screen Shape
Aspect Ratio
1.33 = 4:3
1.76 = 16:9
Dual 256 x 192
480 x 272
Dots Per Inch
Screen Colors
Content Sources
Game Cartridges, WiFi,
aftermarket Flash memory adapters
Flash memory,
UMD discs, WiFi
be turned off by the relatively low resolutions of these displays, because it
is the pixel density,
or Dots Per Inch, DPI, that determines how
sharp their images appear, and these are relatively high DPIs. For reference, a
19 inch LCD monitor has a DPI of 86. The number of Screen Colors that a
display can produce is frequently misinterpreted as an indication of its color
gamut, the range of colors that it can produce. It has nothing to do with the
gamut, but rather specifies the number of possible intensity levels for each of
the red, green and blue primary colors, which can vary from 32 to 256 levels.
While the DS Lite supports 6-bits or 64 levels per color, test patterns show
that the M3 Adapter only provides 5-bits or 32 levels per color, which is 32K
Screen Colors. In principle, displays with fewer intensity levels produce a
less smooth image with more visible contouring, but the effect is less
noticeable at higher DPIs.
LCD Panel
we can evaluate the picture quality of the consoles we need to measure the
performance of their LCD panels for Brightness, Contrast, and Viewing Angles.
The results shown in Table 2 were made with a laboratory spectroradiometer. See
How We Test for
technical details and explanations of the measurements. The results are color
coded based on the relative performance of all 11 players, phones and
game consoles tested for this 3-part series. Green means excellent or
significantly better than the other units; red means poor or significantly
worse than the other units; and yellow means mediocre performance. The color
coding makes it easy to see trends among all of the units.
2 – LCD Brightness, Contrast and Viewing Angles
DS Lite
Main Screen
Top Screen
Battery Power
AC Power
Peak Brightness
190 cd/m2
200 cd/m2
115 cd/m2
148 cd/m2
Black Level Brightness
0.32 cd/m2
0.31 cd/m2
0.16 cd/m2
0.20 cd/m2
Contrast Ratio
for Low Ambient Light
Screen Reflectance
21 percent
15 percent
12 percent
Contrast Rating
for High Ambient Light
Forward Tilt Viewing
Contrast at +15 degrees
Horizontal Side Viewing
Contrast at ±45 degrees
Brightness and Contrast:
Peak Brightness is very important in bright ambient light viewing
conditions (the brighter the better) but is not important for low ambient light
viewing. The two screens on the Nintendo have very similar performance. Both
the DS Lite and PSP have four user selectable screen brightness levels, but on
the PSP the highest is only available when using its AC power adapter. The peak
values that we measured for the PSP are about 30 percent lower than what Sony
specifies on its official PSP website. The most likely explanation is that
manufacturers frequently publish the brightness of the LCD panels by
themselves, without the exterior dark screen layer that helps to lower screen
reflectance (below), but this layer also attenuates the viewable brightness of
the panel.
Black Level Brightness is the residual dark
glow that the screen (and each pixel) gives off when it is supposed to be
producing true black. It is distracting and also washes out both the contrast
and color saturation of the dark portions of the image. The Contrast Ratio tells you the range of
brightness that the display is capable of producing. The larger the better, but
it’s only relevant for low ambient light viewing conditions due to reflections
off the screen (next). The PSP and DS Lite have the highest Contrast Ratios of
all of the mobile displays we tested.
Performance under Bright Ambient
When these units are used in bright ambient light the
screen can’t be made as dark because it reflects a certain percentage of the
room light. This washes out the images by reducing contrast and color
saturation, and you’ll also see a distracting reflection of your face as well.
We measured the Screen Reflectance, which is
the percentage of ambient light reflected by each unit. The lower the better.
The Main Screen on the DS Lite, with a Touchscreen, has a noticeably higher
reflectance than the Top Screen. The Contrast Rating
for High Ambient Light is a measure of the contrast you’ll see under
high ambient lighting conditions. It is simply the Peak Brightness divided by
the Screen Reflectance value in the Table. Again, the larger the better. The DS
Lite and PSP performed in the middle of the pack, with 7 of the 11 units
falling in their 9 to 13 range.
brightness, contrast, and color saturation that you see on the screen varies
significantly with your viewing angle. It has a major impact on image and
picture quality. If you’re watching by yourself, the Forward Tilt Viewing angle will vary
depending on how you hold the unit. If you’re watching in a group, people to
the left and right of the screen will be positioned with a Horizontal Side Viewing angle. Table 2 lists the Contrast Ratio for
a 15 degree forward tilt of the screen, which is the largest angle a single
viewer is likely to use. Table 2 also lists the Contrast Ratio for Horizontal
Side Viewing at ±45 degrees, which is roughly what a person sitting next to the
central viewer will see. These Contrast values provide a good measure of how
the viewing experience varies with angle.
performs very well with side viewing for multiple viewers, tying for first
place among all of the mobile displays, while the DS Lite is effectively
limited to a single viewer at a time, which is consistent with its official
role as a handheld gaming console. Because of the large change in Contrast
Ratio with Tilt Angle for the DS Lite, the positioning of the hinged Top Screen
can significantly affect image quality, although it’s not as noticeable when
viewing the bright and highly saturated color images that are used in most
Image and Picture
Quality Ratings
LCD screen with low ratings in Table 2 can still wind up looking quite good
with the right color scheme because color can be used to enhance the visual
contrast in the menu screens and the artificially colored game environments.
That’s how many high DPI screens can appear gorgeous. But that technique can’t
be used with photos and videos.
Scale and Picture Contrast
image and picture quality of any display depends on its gray scale and the
saturation of its primary colors. The gray scale describes how the brightness of image pixels
varies between the black and white extremes and determines
the contrast within an image. Too much is just as bad as too little. Figure 1
shows the gray scale measured for each console. See How We Test for
details and explanations of the measurements. The differences in gray
scales among all eleven devices tested for this series are striking and explain
much of the differences in picture quality that we witnessed in the viewing

Figure 1. Gray Scales
Figure 2. Primary Colors
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
results are summarized in Table 3 by listing the picture contrast, gray scale
compression, and gamma for each unit. Compression of the gray scale near its maximum intensity makes the picture look overexposed. The lower the
better. Gamma specifies the steepness of the
gray scale and the amount of Picture Contrast,
which by industry standards should have values between 2.2 and 2.5, with the
value 2.2 used in professional video production studios.
gray scale is outstanding and virtually perfect. This gray scale performance is
one of the “secrets” of Sony excellence in television, a lesson that few other
manufacturers have learned. It’s impressive that Sony has extended this to the
PSP. The DS Lite also has a smooth and straight gray scale, but the slope is
very low, reducing its picture contrast noticeably. (Near the middle of the
gray scale the brightness is 50 percent higher than what it should be.) It’s
impossible to say whether this is due to the M3 Adapter or the DS Lite without
reverse engineering their firmware.
Table 3 – Image and Picture
Quality Ratings
DS Lite
Picture Contrast
Compression / Gamma
Very Low
6 % / 1.85
1 % / 2.21
Color Gamut Range
Compared to
74 percent
56 percent
Reference and Optimized Photos
Video Encoding
MoonShell DPG
384 kbps
256x192 20 fps
768 kbps
368x208 30 fps
Saturation and Gamut
The colors
in all color displays are produced through a combination of three primary
colors: red, green and blue. The primaries need to be strong and saturated in
order for the displays to be able to reproduce a wide gamut of colors. Too
little saturation and the pictures will look flat and pastel-like, too much
saturation and the pictures will look gaudy. We measured the primary colors
with the spectroradiometer. Details are shown in Figure 2 and summarized in
Table 3 by comparing the Color Gamut of each
console to that of a standard High Definition TV or sRGB computer monitor. The
closer to 100 percent the better. The Nintendo DS Lite and Motorola Q (Part II) have
largest color gamut of all the mobile devices tested. All mobile displays have
a reduced color gamut, which can be compensated with proper processing in the
device. The PSP, unfortunately, demonstrated weak color saturation in all of
the viewing tests (below).
and Optimized Photos
consoles aren’t delivering anywhere near the image and picture quality they are
capable of producing. To demonstrate this we’ve produced two sets of photos for
each unit: a standard Reference Photo that displays correctly on a calibrated
HDTV or computer monitor, and an Optimized Photo that has been mathematically
processed based on the lab measurements to improve picture quality. On the DS
Lite you will see improved picture contrast and on the PSP improved color
saturation. Links for each unit are included in Table 3. Download both the
Reference and Optimized photos and compare them to each other and to full
resolution versions of the Reference Photo for HDTVs (1280x720)
and LCD
computer monitors (1280x1024). A thumbnail of the Reference Photo is
pictured at left. Left click the links to view on your current display, right
click to download the image files. Note that the Optimized Photos are
modified for the specific consoles, and will appear to have incorrect gray
scales and color on other displays.
the extensive lab tests it was time to see how well the consoles would perform
visually with real photos and videos. So, for the Shoot-Out style Viewing Tests, we compared all
eleven tested units simultaneously, side-by-side, showing identical content
and comparing them to each other and to a carefully calibrated digital HDTV
connected to a PC. I used a large selection of challenging photos that we have
for evaluating HDTVs. For video picture quality I used a number of movie clips
including The Matrix (which has lots of dark content and a subtle green
caste that is difficult for displays to reproduce accurately) and Seabiscuit
(which has lots of colorful outside scenery and great facial close-ups).
Table 4 provides the results. For the grading and
rankings I carefully arranged all of the units until they were ordered from
best to worst picture quality, left to right. The evaluations are based on
ideal viewing conditions with no ambient light and perfect face-on (zero
degree) viewing angle. Each display was scored based on how close it came to
delivering an ideal picture, so its screen size, brightness, and pixel count
are not part of the grade. Looking at photos and videos on all eleven screens
at once was an amazing experience. The range and differences in picture quality
were staggering.
Table 4 – Shoot-Out Results
and Grades
DS Lite
Viewing Test
Picture Contrast too low,
Artifacts occasionally noticeable
Very Good
Color Saturation
too low
Overall Image and Picture Quality
Rank out of 11 units
Picture Quality Rating
with Optimizer
DS Lite and the PSP performed roughly in the middle of the 11 mobile units
tested for the series. A major issue for the PSP is its weakness in color
saturation, which was clearly evident in the photos, and in both the UMD and
Flash memory movies and videos. It was also hurt in the Ratings by the firmware
restriction on the resolution of videos played from Flash memory, which
degraded them to a noticeably fuzzy appearance on the (comparatively) large 4.3
inch screen. The DS Lite performed well beyond my initial expectations. All of
the official Nintendo content is based on artificially colored cartoon-like
images, so I wasn’t sure how well it would handle realistic photographic images
with delicate colors and gray scales. It’s clear that Nintendo has engineered
the DS Lite to do a lot more than its present marketing suggests. The 256x192 resolution
screen has only two-thirds the number of pixels as the most popular 320x240
mobile screens, but the images appear surprisingly smooth as a result of the
relatively high screen pixel density, which is 64 percent greater per square
inch than 19 inch LCD computer monitors. Even with the current aftermarket
offerings it already performs better than most of the MP3 players in Part I, including
the Apple iPod. With some additional upgrades and tweaking the DS Lite should
have no trouble evolving into an excellent mobile multimedia player. There are
some indications that Nintendo is already moving towards expanding its
multimedia offerings for the DS and DS Lite, which have total worldwide sales
of over 25 million units.
Much of the
reduced image and picture quality of the mobile devices is due to sub-optimal
processing within each unit. The Optimized Photos (available via links in Table
3) demonstrate the picture quality the units are capable of producing when
mathematical corrections based on the lab measurements are applied to the image
files. You can download them and see for yourself if you have one of the tested
units. The bottom row of Table 4 provides the image and picture quality ratings
based on the Optimized images. When viewing them, the differences between
displays become relatively small and all of the units deliver very good to
excellent picture quality. Hopefully, the next generation of devices will
improve their software/firmware processing and produce this kind of picture
quality on their own.
Article Links
and Portable Video Players
Smart Phones
Game Consoles
How We Test Mobile
About the Author
Dr. Raymond Soneira
is President of DisplayMate Technologies Corporation of Amherst, New Hampshire,
which produces video calibration, evaluation, and diagnostic products for
consumers, technicians, and manufacturers. See He is a research
scientist with a career that spans physics, computer science, and television
system design. Dr. Soneira obtained his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Princeton
University, spent 5 years as a Long-Term Member of the world famous Institute
for Advanced Study in Princeton, another 5 years as a Principal Investigator in
the Computer Systems Research Laboratory at AT&T Bell Laboratories, and has
also designed, tested, and installed color television broadcast equipment for
the CBS Television Network Engineering and Development Department. He has
authored over 35 research articles in scientific journals in physics and
computer science, including Scientific American. If you have any comments or questions about the article, you can contact
him at
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