3D TV Display Technology
Dr. Raymond M. Soneira
President, DisplayMate Technologies
Copyright © 1990-2011 by DisplayMate
Technologies Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This article, or any part
thereof, may not be copied, reproduced, mirrored, distributed or incorporated
into any other work without
the prior written permission of DisplayMate Technologies Corporation
Article Series Link: Display
Technology Shoot-Out Article Series Overview and Home Page
The first generation of 3D TVs were launched in the spring
of 2010 with a tremendous fanfare, but failed to generate enough consumer
excitement and retail activity, so the first year sales turned out to be
disappointing. There are plenty reasons why this happened: many consumers had
recently upgraded to HDTVs and were hesitant to upgrade again to 3D HDTVs. Most
new technologies are expensive and often have performance issues – in fact,
many of the 2010 3D TVs received mediocre evaluations. There wasn’t much 3D
content available to watch. Consumers didn’t care for the cumbersome and
expensive 3D glasses that had to be worn in order to watch 3D TV.
All of the 2010 3D TV models – both LCD and Plasma –
required Active Shutter Glasses, which have high-speed LCD shutters for each
eye that are electronically synchronized to the sequential right and left
images generated by the TV every 1/120th of a second. 2011 has resulted in a
lot more available 3D content and two important developments in 3D technology:
a new generation of 3D TVs with Active Shutter Glasses, and a new 3D TV
technology called Film Pattern Retarder (FPR) that uses very light weight and
inexpensive Passive Glasses that are similar to ordinary polarized sunglasses,
and identical to the 3D glasses used in most 3D movie theaters. The FPR 3D TV
technology doesn’t need high-speed electronic shutters because it uses
circularly polarized light filters to keep the right and left images separate
for each eye.
3D TV technology is still relatively new so it’s not
surprising that most consumers (and many reviewers) are still trying to sort
out all of the manufacturer’s claims, figure out what they mean, and what they
should do next. There are some conflicting and unsubstantiated statements about
3D TV technologies that are being made in a badgering manner just like in the
classic tale of The Emperor’s New Clothes. The object of this article is
to provide detailed objective test results that will let you decide what is
really there, or not there… But the most important issue of all is whether
either of these technologies is able to provide an enjoyable and convincing 3D
viewing experience – we’ll answer that below, but first we’ll back it up with
lots of objective evidence.
There are a number of very interesting (and frequently
misunderstood) 3D imaging and visualization issues that need to be examined for
both of these 3D TV technologies in order to straighten out the incorrect and
confusing information about them. This article will provide an objective
in-depth analysis of both 3D technologies. We have plenty of measurement data,
which provides lots of good objective evidence, but the most interesting and
important part in evaluating 3D is the actual 3D imaging and visualization
itself, and that only happens inside the brain, so instruments cannot help with
that part of the evaluation. We used lots of high quality 3D content including
3D movies, photos, images and test patterns. We will describe a series of quantifiable
3D visual tests that anyone can duplicate at home to verify our results
and conclusions on 3D TV imaging for themselves.
Because some aspects of 3D TV technology are so
controversial, and because of the substantial amount of incorrect and misleading
information that has been published on this topic, I have provided a
considerable amount of detail and analysis for those who are interested in
understanding the fine points and verifying the conclusions. For the quickest
overview just read the Main Conclusions, for
somewhat more detail and analysis read the Highlights and
Summary of Results. To read the entire article start at the Overview of 3D Vision and Technology.
Outline of the Article with Links
Highlights and Summary of Results
Main Conclusions
Overview of 3D Vision and Technology
Overview of 3D Glasses
Brightness Measurements
Left-Right Crosstalk and Ghosting
Crosstalk and Ghosting with Viewing Angle and Position
Crosstalk and Ghosting with Head Tilt
3D Imaging, Resolution and Sharpness Viewing Tests
You Can Easily Do Your Own 3D Visual Sharpness Tests at
Recommendations for Viewing 3D TVs
Highlights and Summary of Results
This Highlights section has
a summary of the most important results of the 3D TV Display Technology
Shoot-Out. All of the details including the measurements and analysis are
documented within the dedicated sections for each topic. If you are new to 3D,
be sure to read our Overview of 3D Vision and Technology
and our Overview of 3D Glasses.
The Main Issues
We examined four recent model high-end 3D LCD HDTVs –
two with Active Shutter Glasses from Samsung and Sony, and two with FPR Passive
Glasses from LG and Vizio. They were set up in a Shoot-Out configuration for
detailed simultaneous side-by-side comparisons as shown in Figure 1 below.
Details are provided in the 3D TV Models and Shoot-Out
section. Both of these competing 3D technologies each have their own set of
particular strengths and weaknesses.
For Active Shutter Glasses the main issues are excessive
flicker, image crosstalk and ghosting, insufficient brightness, problems with
viewing comfort and cost of the glasses. For Passive Glasses the main issues
are questioned resolution and sharpness, restricted viewing distances, angles
and positions. You’ll see many of these issues mentioned in reviews and
advertisements. But the most important issue of all is whether either of these
technologies is able to provide an enjoyable and convincing 3D viewing
experience – we’ll answer that below, but first here are the Summary of Results
from our extensive series of objective tests and measurements.
Summary of Results
For the Active Shutter Glasses we found the flicker quite
annoying and tiring, but the Passive Glasses were completely free of flicker,
which is discussed in detail in the Flicker section.
While not everyone notices the 60 Hz shutter flicker from the Active Glasses,
it is still possible to be affected by flicker and not be aware that it is present.
Most people can sense flicker at 60 Hz or even above. CRTs were well known
sources of 60 Hz flicker. In fact, most people ran their CRTs at 75 or 85 Hz or
above because of flicker, so 60 Hz flicker is a firmly established phenomenon –
as a result a significant portion of the population may be susceptible to
flicker from Active Shutter Glasses. Subliminal flicker, which is flicker just
below the threshold of conscious detection, can also cause visual fatigue.
There are good reasons for suspecting that a portion of the eye strain
associated with 3D TV is the result of flicker and subliminal flicker from
Active Shutter Glasses.
For most viewing angles and viewing positions the Active
Glasses also had considerably more Crosstalk and Ghosting, which are not only
annoying but more importantly interfere with the 3D imaging and 3D Contrast –
the measurements are in Table 2 and are discussed in
detail in the Crosstalk and Ghosting with Viewing Angle
and Position section. Passive Glasses also did considerably better with
varying Head Tilt, which is very important during normal TV viewing – the
measurements are in Table 3 and are discussed in detail
in the Crosstalk and Ghosting with Head Tilt section. The
Passive Glasses TVs delivered 3D images that were 2½ times brighter than the
Active Glasses – the measurements are in Table1 and are
discussed in detail in the Brightness Measurements
section. The Passive Glasses were also considerably more comfortable to wear,
and cost less than 1/5th the price of
Active Glasses.
On the other hand, Passive Glasses have a more restricted
range of vertical angles and viewing distances, so you can’t watch 3D TV closer
than about 6 feet from the screen, or watch 3D TV standing up closer than about
8 feet, or watch a 3D TV mounted high up over a fireplace without a tilt mount.
None of these affect normal 3D TV viewing in our opinion, and none of them
apply to 2D viewing. These issues are discussed in detail in the FPR Viewing Positions and Distances section.
In general, most reviews and evaluations agree fairly well
with the above points, but our extensive measurements quantitatively show how
much better the Passive Glasses perform under a wide range of typical viewing
and Resolution with FPR Passive Glasses
By far the most
controversial and misunderstood issue in 3D TV currently has to do with the
sharpness and resolution delivered with Passive Glasses. Because they split the
odd and even lines between the right and left eyes it’s
easy to see why many people (and some reviewers) conclude that FPR technology
delivers only half of the HD resolution. Although unsubstantiated it
still seems to have evolved into some sort of myth based on hearsay instead of
actual scientific visual evaluation. Many people seem to get stuck on
this particular issue and can’t get beyond it and think about what is really
being seen in actual 3D vision.
But it’s not that simple
because we watch TV from a far enough distance that the lines are not resolved
and we know that the brain combines the images from both eyes into a single 3D
image (the one we actually see) in a process called Image Fusion. The 3D TV images have only horizontal parallax from the
horizontally offset cameras, so the vertical image content for the right and
left eyes are in fact identical – but with purely horizontal parallax
offsets from their different right and left camera viewpoints. So there isn’t
any 3D imaging information that is missing because all of the necessary
vertical resolution and parallax information is available when the brain
combines the right and left images into the 3D image we actually see. That is
the theory and fundamental principle behind 3D Image Fusion for FPR TVs – so
next we actually tested it to see how accurate it is and how sharp the 3D
images actually appear.
and Resolution with Active Shutter Glasses
Active Shutter Glasses also
have 3D image sharpness issues, but they instead arise from left-right image
Crosstalk that can blur fine detail and muffle the 3D image depth and 3D
Contrast. This results from the limited Response Time of the LCD screen and the
LCD shutters on the Active Glasses. So both 3D technologies have 3D Image
Sharpness issues – so we needed to test them both to see how well they actually
3D Image Sharpness
Because the 3D images are
created in the brain, instruments can not be used to measure how sharp or
muffled they appear on a given 3D TV – that can only be done with human vision
by actually viewing 3D content – but it can be done in a very precise and
analytical manner. What matters here is the actual 3D
visual performance NOT an analysis of the display hardware diagnostic
performance the way it is normally done for 2D displays – and
DisplayMate Technologies is considered the world leader in this area by many.
We performed a series of
quantifiable sharpness tests by using what is in effect a Reverse Vision
Test where we determine 3D image sharpness by how small a text that can be
read on a given 3D TV at a given distance when viewing regular Blu-ray movie
content. If there is Image Fusion we should be able to
read particularly small size text (6 to 10 pixels in height) with the Passive
Glasses, but if the Passive Glasses only deliver half the resolution, as some
claim, then it will be impossible to read the small text on the FPR TVs.
The primary source for our tests was the Blu-ray documentary IMAX Space
Station 3D because it has very high quality 3D
imaging shot by NASA with an IMAX stereo camera without artificial effects or
special effects and the spacecraft has lots of labels and printed signs
with small text on the instruments and walls that are great for detailed
quantifiable sharpness comparisons.
3D Sharpness Results
The 3D tests details are documented in the 3D Imaging, Resolution and Sharpness Viewing Tests section,
with the results listed in Table 4. They were all done at
the closest recommended 3D viewing distance of 6 feet. In
all cases the small text (6 to 10 pixels in height) was readable on the FPR
Passive Glasses, which definitively establishes that there is excellent 3D
Image Fusion and the Passive Glasses deliver full 1080p resolution in 3D. Again, if the Passive Glasses only delivered half the
resolution, as some claim, then it would have been impossible to read the small
text on the FPR TVs. So those half resolution claims are manifestly wrong – no,
ands ifs or buts!
Furthermore, in all cases the small text was actually sharper and easier
to read and fine details easier to resolve on the FPR Passive Glasses than on
the Active Glasses because of the Crosstalk, ghosting and Response Time issues
that reduce 3D image sharpness and 3D contrast in Active Glasses TVs. We also compared the small text 3D visual sharpness to the
2D sharpness by repeatedly turning the 3D mode on and off for each of the TVs
and watching in 3D with glasses and then 2D without glasses. In all cases the images were sharper in 2D than in 3D, but
the differences were much smaller with the FPR TVs than with the TVs with
Active Shutter Glasses. In fact, the small text 3D visual sharpness on the FPR
TVs were only slightly less than in 2D,
reinforcing our conclusion that the Passive Glasses deliver 3D Image Fusion
with full 3D 1080p resolution and are visually sharper in 3D than Active
Glasses because of the Crosstalk, ghosting and Response Time issues mentioned
above. We show below that it’s easy enough for anyone to check these results at home by repeating the visual tests listed in
Table 4.
Some reviewers have evaluated 3D
TVs by analyzing the combined display hardware performance for the right and
left channels instead of the actual 3D visual performance tests that we have
done. That simply leads to incorrect conclusions in the case of 3D vision
because of Image Fusion in the brain. In fact, based on our own extensive
display diagnostic tests it is clear that the FPR TVs have been optimized for
the best 3D visual performance when viewing natural photographic and
video content instead of the best hardware diagnostic
performance – that is most likely why they perform so well with 3D vision. So
reviewers and analysts relying on display diagnostics have their heads in the
sand, are failing to see the forest for the trees, are barking up the wrong
tree, and arriving at results that don’t apply to actual human 3D vision!
On the other hand, there
are instances when 3D Image Fusion may not work well with FPR. They arise when
the brain is unable to properly match up the right and left image content or
when there is fine computer pixel and line graphics, but they were very seldom
noticeable in all of the video Blu-ray content we used for the Shoot-Out. These
issues are discussed in detail in the Instances When FPR
3D Image Fusion May Not Work section.
You Can Easily Do Your Own 3D
Visual Sharpness Tests at Home!
We have backed our conclusions with lots of solid
evidence, but you don’t need to take our word for it because it’s very easy for
anyone with a 3D TV and Blu-ray player to perform the same 3D visual sharpness
tests at home – so you can actually settle the 3D TV Sharpness
Controversy yourself! You just need a high quality source of natural 3D
content – the best one by far is IMAX Space Station 3D
because it has very high quality 3D
imaging shot by NASA with an IMAX stereo camera without artificial effects or
special effects and has lots of very fine image detail that are fantastic for
evaluating 3D sharpness. If you don’t have this particular title use any 3D
Blu-ray movie – live is better than animated – use any 3D movie that you have.
Be sure to follow our Recommendations for 3D TV
Viewing section. If it’s convenient for you to do the tests at the minimum
6 feet viewing distance do so only if you are comfortable with that close
viewing distance.
The simplest test is just to
compare the 3D visual sharpness and contrast to the 2D sharpness and contrast.
Pick a scene that has lots of fine image detail and press Pause on the Blu-ray
player. Then repeatedly turn the 3D mode on
and off for the TV and watch in 3D with glasses and then in 2D without glasses.
Every 3D TV has a remote control button that lets you do this easily. Compare
the image sharpness and image contrast in 2D and 3D. In all cases the 2D image
will be sharper, but flip between them a few times to see exactly what the
differences are visually.
The best test is to look at the small text examples in IMAX
Space Station 3D that we identify in Table 4 with
their time positions on the disc so you can find the exact scenes with the
small text. Repeat the same 3D to 2D visual comparison but now compare the
readability of this very small text. If you have an FPR TV with Passive Glasses
then you can verify for yourself that it delivers 3D visual sharpness that is
close to the 2D 1080p sharpness. For complete details see the 3D
Imaging, Resolution and Sharpness Viewing Tests section.
Main Conclusions
Based on our extensive lab
measurements and visual test comparisons between 3D TVs with FPR Passive
Glasses versus 3D TVs with Active Shutter Glasses, we found that the Passive
Glasses TVs delivered substantially and demonstrably better all around 3D
imaging, 3D Contrast and sense of 3D depth, better 3D sharpness, better overall
3D picture quality, immersion and realism, and freedom from 3D ghosting, image
Crosstalk, and flicker. This was true in all but a small number of situations,
all of which we document in the sections mentioned above.
Convincing 3D
One of my favorite examples for demonstrating
the differences between the 3D TV technologies is at 10:47 in IMAX Space Station 3D, which
shows a protruding glove and orange pipe in front of a deep equipment area with
lots of fine image detail. Press Pause on the player. With Passive Glasses you
feel that you are right there in the Space Station with a convincing, clear and
realistic 3D image that has crisp 3D detail and good 3D Contrast throughout,
and without any noticeable visual artifacts. With Active Glasses there is so
much large scale Crosstalk that generates ghosts and poor 3D Contrast, and
small scale Crosstalk that produces fuzzy 3D that the image looks quite phony –
and then there is the annoying flicker from Active Glasses. There are plenty of
comparable demonstrative examples in the wide range of 3D content that we
viewed. Visually the differences between these two 3D technologies are enormous
when compared side-by-side – FPR Passive Glasses TVs provide a substantially
higher quality 3D visual imaging and 3D visual experience than the TVs with
Active Glasses. Check out this image yourself, and also the other specific examples
that we provide in 3D Imaging, Resolution and Sharpness Viewing Tests section.
Enjoyable 3D
The Passive
Glasses were quite comfortable and, more importantly, free from the annoying
flicker that many people (including the author) experience with Active Glasses.
The annoying picture flicker, Crosstalk and ghosting from Active Glasses are
the main reasons why many people have previously shunned 3D TV. The lab measurements showed Passive Glasses to perform much better
than the Active Glasses, but what genuinely surprised me is that for the first
time I really enjoyed watching 3D content with Passive Glasses. Almost everyone
that I invited to the 3D Shoot-Out left with the same feeling and many remarked
“this is cool” or “this is great!” Avatar was the most requested title
for people that came to see the 3D Shoot-out and everyone was just as thrilled
by it on the FPR TVs with Passive Glasses as in the movie theaters. Everyone
that watched the roller coaster scene in the 3D Blu-ray movie Despicable Me
commented on the sensational 3D experience of an actual roller coaster ride. To
maximize your enjoyment of 3D be sure to read our Recommendations
for 3D TV Viewing section, which explains a number of simple steps that can
be taken to improve TV viewing comfort and reduce the likelihood of eye strain
and fatigue when viewing 3D (as well as 2D) TVs.
Almost Holographic 3D
of the most fascinating visual effects of 3D TV is how the 3D image changes as
you change your viewing position. If you are looking at a still image in 2D and
change your viewing angle by walking left to right in front of the TV, the
image of the TV picture produced by the brain stays the same as you move. But
when you do that in 3D the picture appears almost holographic because the brain
continuously reworks the perspective geometry of the image as you change your
viewing position. As a result, people sitting at different locations will see
somewhat different perspective geometries of the same 3D image. The effect can
grow to be quite large for images with significant depth. It sometimes seems as
if you might be able to see additional things that are currently obscured by
shifting your viewing position even more, but of course that never happens, you
only see an increasingly shifted perspective view. It’s one more interesting
facet of 3D TV viewing…
The Real Magic of 3D
you read the consumer 3D movie reviews on Amazon.com people often focus on how
big the 3D effects are – which is great for demos and impressing friends, but
that wears off soon as a gimmick (and it also causes eye strain). The real
magic of 3D in my opinion is when I am watching well produced typically subtle
3D content with Passive Glasses and then feel that I am actually present in the
scene, walking on the beach along with the people in the video, for example –
an emotional response that results from convincing 3D visual input. Following
our Recommendations for 3D TV Viewing I experienced virtually no visual fatigue,
and absolutely no headaches, dizziness or other adverse effects while watching
with Passive Glasses. The Passive Glasses are very light weight, inexpensive
and comfortable – they’re easy to pop on and off and it’s easy to forget that
you are wearing them. The Passive Clip-Ons are great for people with
prescription glasses. The magic of providing a comfortable, convincing, and
realistic 3rd dimension to TV viewing is what will make this 3D technology
catch on and become successful in the future. 3D TV has finally come of age and
arrived as a fun and pleasant enhancement to watching traditional 2D movies and
TV content…

Figure 1. Panoramic View of the 3D Shoot-Out with the
Lights Turned Up
Overview of 3D Vision and
3D TV Technology
The concepts behind
3D vision are both incredibly simple and complex at the same time. Incredibly
simple because they are based on the different images seen by the right and
left eyes as a result of their separation. The closer an object is the greater
the difference in perspective between the right and left eye images. Objects
that are very far away have almost identical perspective with similar images
for both eyes. The perspective difference between the right and left images is
called Parallax. But what happens next is amazing – the brain through
incredibly complex processing of the right and left eye images combines them in
a process called 3D Image Fusion that creates a single visual image (the one we
actually see) along with a sensation of depth for everything within the image –
depth perception is truly our sixth sense.
So it’s actually quite easy to produce 3D content – just
show appropriately different images to the right and left eyes and the brain
automatically generates the 3D image. The most straight forward method is to
use two identical cameras that are offset horizontally from one another. It
needs to be done that way because most of the time our heads are level so the
eyes are oriented exactly horizontal and are expecting content with that same
horizontal parallax orientation. But some care is necessary in producing 3D
content because our eyes and brain are designed for processing 3D images that
occur naturally in the real world. That is especially true for artificial
computer generated 3D content but it also applies to camera 3D content as well.
Unnatural 3D content, especially with exaggerated 3D effects or that
inadvertently contain false visual cues within the image can lead to visual
fatigue and headaches caused when the brain is asked to process unnatural 3D
images that it is not accustomed to dealing with. At the end of the article we
will provide a number of recommendations for maximizing TV viewing comfort and
minimizing eye strain together with some recommendations for content producers.
3D TV Technology
Standard 2D TVs show a single image that is updated 60
times per second (Hz). So 3D TVs need to show two separate right and left
images at the same 60 Hz rate. That doubling is challenging for both the
display and electronics. Currently there are two approaches in the consumer
marketplace: TVs with Active Shutter Glasses produce 120 frames per second and
use the shutters to alternately switch the appropriate images to each eye – so
each eye gets 60 frames per second. TVs with FPR Passive Glasses use a
micropolarizer that applies alternating polarizations to every other raster
line on the display. The Passive Glasses are optical filters that only allow
the appropriate polarizations through for each eye. Each technology has its own
set of challenging issues that we will examine in detail below.
While many people believe that a TV’s ability to produce
extreme 3D is the true test of 3D performance and quality, the exact opposite
is true. It is the small and subtle 3D right and left image differences that
are the most technically difficult for any 3D technology to accurately
reproduce. That is also what is required to generate realistic 3D because in
the natural world 3D is based subtle visual cues and differences. We’ll discuss
this in more detail below.




Figure 2. The 3D TV Models of the Shoot-Out
The 3D TV Models and
The object of this study was to provide a completely
independent scientific objective assessment of 3D technology for LCD TVs. So we
examined four recent model high-end 3D LCD HDTVs – two with Active Shutter
Glasses from Samsung and Sony, and two with FPR Passive Glasses from LG and
Vizio, which are listed below. We didn’t examine 3D Plasma TVs, but they all
use Active Shutter Glasses that are virtually identical to the LCD models, so
our conclusions regarding their flicker, comfort, convenience, and cost apply
to them as well. All of the testing, evaluations and analysis were done
entirely by the author in the DisplayMate Technologies Labs.
The Shoot-Out
The four TVs were set up side-by-side in a Shoot-Out
configuration for detailed visual comparisons and measurements – see Figure 1.
All were simultaneously fed identical 1920x1080x24p frame packed digital signal
content using a Kramer
Electronics 3D HDMI Distributor connected to a 3D Blu-ray player for movies
and a PC with an NVIDIA 3D
graphics board and NVIDIA 3DTV Play software to deliver our set of DisplayMate
3D test patterns, test photos and images.
The TVs are all 46-47 inch recent high-end models
carefully selected for comparable performance and purchased new through
retailers. Three of the units are LED Backlight 240 Hz Refresh Rate TVs that
are close in price. The 4th unit was a much less expensive Vizio CCFL
Fluorescent Backlight 120 Hz Refresh Rate FPR model that delivered impressive
performance for its price.
The 3D TV
UN46D7000L $1900 – Active Glasses not included – $250 extra for 2 pairs.
Backlight with 240 Hz Refresh Rate.
Samsung glasses range from $50 to $150 per pair. We selected the two top
Total price
for the Samsung TV and 4 pairs of 3D Glasses is $2150.
Note that
Samsung sometimes runs a promotion that includes 2 free pairs of their $50
KDL-46HX729 $1650 – Active Glasses not included – $140 extra for 2 pairs.
Backlight with 240 Hz Refresh Rate.
Sony glasses are $70 per pair or $140 for 2 pairs.
Total price
for the Sony TV and 4 pairs of 3D Glasses is $1930.
47LW6500 $1710 – FPR Passive Glasses included – 4 pairs with TV.
Backlight with 240 Hz Refresh Rate.
LG glasses are $25 for 2 pairs.
Passive Lenses for prescription glasses are $20 per pair.
Glasses are
interchangeable with Vizio FPR and Real D movie glasses.
Total price
for the LG TV and 4 pairs of 3D Glasses is $1710.
E3D470VX $898 – FPR Passive Glasses included – 2 pairs with TV.
Fluorescent Backlight with 120 Hz Refresh Rate.
Vizio glasses are $26 per pair or $45 for 2 pairs.
Glasses are
interchangeable with LG FPR and Real D movie glasses.
Total price
for the Vizio TV and 4 pairs of 3D Glasses is $943.
Normally we first calibrate TVs for optimum picture
quality before testing them. Since this article is only about 3D imaging we
limited the set of adjustments to those that could influence the 3D
conclusions. All of the TVs were placed in their “Standard” picture mode. The
TVs all have a large number of advanced picture processing controls that
continually adjust the picture in real-time in order to jazz up and manipulate
the on-screen image. These are a hindrance rather than a help because they
interfere with the 3D imaging tests. So we disabled controls like Dynamic
Contrast because they detracted from our 3D evaluations. The only significant
calibration adjustments that we made were to the “Contrast” controls because
most of the TVs had them set too high in order to maximize brightness, which
then washes out the image detail due to intensity scale compression. We used
our DisplayMate
Multimedia Edition calibration software and the Spears & Munsil
Blu-ray calibration disc to make sure that we could resolve digital intensities
up through level 250 for the lab tests and Blu-ray movie content. As a result,
the peak brightness of the TVs were reduced somewhat, but we are much more
interested in image detail than brightness.
Overview of 3D Glasses
One of the biggest
obstacles for 3D technology has always been the special glasses that are needed
to see the desired content in 3D. That’s because the right and left eyes need
to be shown different images in order to create the 3D visual effect. Although
there are displays that can produce 3D images without glasses when watching
from a single “sweet spot” or a limited range of viewing positions, glasses are
currently necessary for the typical extended home TV and movie theater viewing
conditions. This is unlikely to change in commercial products for many years.
The new 3D TV technologies are a tremendous step up and improvement over the
old but still in use Anaglyph 3D glasses with Red and Blue/Cyan (or Magenta and
Green) lenses that separate the right and left eye images. The colored lenses make
true color images impossible and the 3D effects mediocre because the glasses
can not maintain complete separation between the right and left images, an
effect called Crosstalk.
The new 3D technologies still
face the same questions: do they deliver good color and 3D imaging? Are the
glasses light weight, easy to put on and take off? Are they comfortable enough
so that you forget you have them on? Do they interfere with the social nature
of TV watching with family and friends? Are they stylish or ugly? Is it
possible to walk around the house with them on? Can they be used with
prescription glasses? How expensive are they? Do they introduce artifacts or
other issues that degrade picture quality?
Active Glasses
Active Glasses
Active Glasses








Passive Glasses
Mikli Passive Glasses
Passive Clip-Ons
Passive Glasses
Passive Glasses
Figure 3. Photos of the
Active Shutter and Passive 3D Glasses
Active Shutter Glasses
Active Shutter Glasses used by both LCD and Plasma TVs contain an impressive
amount of electronics that include independent LCD shutters for each eye, an
infrared or radio receiver for synchronization with the TV, a battery, charging
and processing circuitry. That’s why they are expensive. One important point to
note is that each 3D TV manufacturer uses their own proprietary Active Shutter
Glasses technology so you need to buy their brand of Active Shutter Glasses,
although there are aftermarket companies that sell Active Shutter Glasses
compatible with multiple brands.
will analyze the 3D imaging and optical performance of the Samsung and Sony
Active Glasses later but here are their feature comparisons:
Samsung’s 2011 Active Glasses are pretty impressive:
they are reasonably light (1.1 – 1.4 ounces) and have their electronics and
battery inside the portion of eyeglass legs that wrap over the ears. The more
expensive $150 3700CR model looks fairly stylish and works reasonably well with
many prescription glasses. All 2011 models have a Bluetooth receiver that is
paired with a particular TV so multiple 3D TVs can be used nearby without
interference. Bluetooth communication is much more reliable than with the first
generation infrared receivers that lose synchronization if the infrared control
beam gets blocked. In addition the glasses have a motion sensor that
automatically turns them on when you pick them up and it is possible to buy a
wireless charging station instead of using an inconvenient USB charging cable.
They turn off automatically after a few minutes if no motion or no Bluetooth
signal is detected. On a couple of occasions the glasses shut down unexpectedly
when people watched with their heads too still – so we advised everyone to move
their heads occasionally. Running time is claimed to be 40 hours on a single
charge. The current models cost from $50 to $150 each.
2011 Active Glasses are a big disappointment compared to the Samsung models.
They look like a pair of large swimming goggles, are quite bulky, heavy (2.1 –
2.2 ounces) and very uncomfortable because of all of the stiff plastic they
contain. They will fit over many prescription glasses but then are even more
uncomfortable. They still use an infrared receiver that can lose
synchronization when the infrared beam gets blocked. They require pushing a
power on button and using a USB cable charger, but the TV won’t charge the
glasses when it is turned off. Running time is claimed to be 30 hours on a
single charge. They cost $70 each or $140 for two pairs.
Glasses are particularly susceptible to reflecting light directly into the
viewer’s eyes from ambient lighting that is behind or above because their
lenses are perfectly flat LCDs that have low average transmission when turned
on – both of these factors maximize the effect. Some of the glasses have built
in shades around the lenses while others include snap on shades in case the
effect is bothersome. The Samsung 3700CR is more susceptible than the other
models because of its very open nature. The best solution is to turn off all
ambient lighting that is above and behind the viewers.
the Samsung and Sony Active Glasses are very similar. Both operate with a
right-left switching frequency of 120 Hz. In fact, when both TVs were driven
simultaneously with an identical video signal from the HDMI Distributor it was
possible to watch both TVs at the same time using either pair of glasses – with
just one amusing (or annoying) feature – as a result of a phase shift, the
right and left images would periodically flip with respect to one another. When
that happens the depth ordering of objects in the image also flips as well, so
objects appearing in a front to back arrangement on one TV would appear in back
to front on the other, and vice versa.
3D Plasma TVs use Active Shutter Glasses that are virtually identical to the
LCD models, all of the above issues apply to them as well.
FPR Passive Glasses
The FPR Passive Glasses all have functionally
identical circular polarizing filters, all are very light (0.6 to 0.7 ounces),
very comfortable, and are much less expensive than the Active Shutter Glasses.
They simply look and feel like a pair of lightly tinted glasses. You can wear
them permanently around the house – everything will look perfectly normal,
including you. It’s easy to forget that you have them on and they don’t
interfere with the social aspects of TV watching the way Active Shutter Glasses
do. Some models have curved lenses and others flat lenses. Note that these
glasses are not dark enough to be used as sunglasses and do not offer uv
differences in 3D imaging and optical performance for all of the FPR Passive
Glasses that we tested were relatively minor. The primary differences between
them come down to personal preferences based on comfort, style and price.
There are many people who don’t like 3D movie theaters or
3D TVs because the 3D glasses are not comfortable or wearable with their
prescription glasses. Fortunately for them, FPR Passive Glasses are also
available as Clip-On models that work very well with just about all
prescription glasses. We had a number of people try them out during the
Shoot-Out and all were pleased with them.
LG has Passive Glasses models that cost $25 for 2 pairs.
The Clip-Ons cost $20 per pair. We also had a rim-less designer model by Alain
Mikli that was quite popular with many of the women. Vizio has two Passive
Glasses models: Basic and Premium Theater Glasses. The Premium Glasses cost
$26 each or $45 for two pairs.
The FPR Passive Glasses are also functionally identical
with Real D movie glasses. While many movie theaters allow you to take the
glasses home (and add them to your FPR collection) we did the reverse and
brought FPR Passive Glasses to the movie theater and found them to be more comfortable
and better quality for watching movies, especially the rim-less designer model
mentioned above. Note that the FPR Clip-On models mentioned above can be used
in Real D movie theaters, which should help people with prescription glasses
enjoy 3D movies a lot more.
Brightness Measurements
3D TVs also work perfectly as 2D
TVs for traditional TV content. In fact, 3D TVs typically produce better 2D
picture quality than ordinary 2D-only sets because they have better displays
and processing electronics. But note that any picture quality problems that
appear in 2D will also affect the 3D picture quality. All of the tested TVs
performed well in 2D and had comparable 2D picture quality.
All of the
tested 3D TVs are quite bright when producing 2D pictures. The 2D Peak
Brightness (technically referred to as Luminance) values measured after
calibration with a Spectroradiometer are shown in Table 1. They fall in the
range of 350-450 cd/m2, which is very bright for most home
viewing conditions except when there is sunlight in the viewing area. In fact,
they are so bright that for evening viewing or controlled ambient lighting it
is important to lower the brightness to avoid eye strain and visual fatigue.
All of the TVs offer some form of Automatic Brightness control, but they still
need a manual adjustment based on personal visual preferences.
But when
the TVs are producing 3D their brightness is much lower than for 2D:
Active Glasses: For the TVs with Active Glasses there are two reasons for the decrease
in brightness: first, the TV’s 240 Hz Refresh Rate involves a repeating
sequence of 4 sub-frames: left eye image, black frame, right eye image, black
frame. The black frames are introduced to reduce contamination between the
right and left eye images, an effect called Crosstalk that produces ghost
images. In addition to being annoying Crosstalk muffles the 3D visual effects.
The black frames are needed due to the limited Response Time of the LCD pixels,
which don’t change quickly enough when switching between the right and left
images. The 4 sub-frame sequence results in only 25 percent of the 2D Peak
Brightness being provided for each eye. Second reason: the light also needs to
go through the LCD shutters in the Active Glasses and they only allow about half
of the light to pass through when the shutter is open. So for Active Glasses in
3D mode each eye only gets to see about 12.5 percent of the 2D peak Brightness.
The actual measured values are shown in Table 1.
FPR Passive Glasses: For the TVs with FPR Passive Glasses there are also two
reasons for the decrease in brightness: the TV Brightness remains the same as
in 2D, but the polarized glasses block half of the raster lines, so only 50
percent of the 2D Peak Brightness is provided for each eye. Second, the light
transmission of the circularly polarized light through the Passive Glasses is
about 80 percent. So for FPR Passive Glasses in 3D mode each eye gets about 40
percent of the 2D Brightness – which is roughly 3 times the throughput of the
Active Glasses. The actual measured values are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Measured 2D and
3D Brightness (Luminance) – Larger is Better
Sony TV
2D Brightness
456 cd/m2
392 cd/m2
358 cd/m2
441 cd/m2
3D Brightness
61 cd/m2
60 cd/m2
152 cd/m2
157 cd/m2
3D / 2D
Brightness Ratio
From the
bottom row of Table 1 we see that the TVs with Active Glasses have
approximately 1/3 the Brightness of FPR Passive Glasses, so they need to be
viewed under relatively dark ambient lighting.
A few
months ago I came across an article which claimed that Luminance measurements
for 3D TVs might be inaccurate (for unspecified reasons) and therefore might
not be a good way to compare the visual brightness for the different 3D
technologies. So I decided to actually test that hypothesis by interactively
adjusting the Backlight controls on the TVs so that all of the screens appeared
to be equally visually bright according to just my eyes looking through the 3D
glasses. When I was done making the visual brightness adjustments for all of
the TVs I measured their Luminance with the Spectroradiometer and glasses to
check the consistency and accuracy of the visual and measured brightness. The agreement
was excellent with an error of just 7 percent (Standard Deviation of the Mean),
establishing that Luminance is in fact an accurate way to determine visual
brightness for these two very different 3D TV technologies.
The TVs
have one other important difference that that is related to Brightness – the
Samsung and Sony Active Glasses TVs both have very glossy screens that reflect
back an image of everything in the room, which interferes with viewing the TV
picture unless the area is very dark. The tested FPR TVs, to their credit, have
matte screens that muffle reflections and make it much easier to view the
picture when there is ambient lighting in the viewing area. It’s shocking that
manufacturers are still using glossy screens. Hopefully Samsung and Sony will
switch to matte screens in the near future…
results when the eye senses that the brightness is not steady but time varying.
LCD TVs don’t generate any inherent flicker when producing 2D images because
they all have an Active Matrix of TFT Thin Film Transistors that hold every
pixel steady until it is updated in the next refresh cycle.
Active Glasses – Picture Flicker: TVs with Active Glasses suffer from several forms
of flicker. Because the LCD shutters in the glasses switch at 120 Hz each eye
gets light at half that rate or 60 Hz. Under the “right” circumstances most
people can sense flicker at 60 Hz or even above. CRTs were well known sources
of 60 Hz flicker. In fact, most people ran their CRTs at 75 or 85 Hz or above
because of flicker, so 60 Hz flicker is a firmly established phenomenon – as a
result a significant portion of the population may be susceptible to flicker
from Active Shutter Glasses. The LCD shutters are fully closed 50 percent of
the time, which accentuates the periods of light and dark and therefore
increases flicker. But it’s even worse because the TV image brightness for each
eye actually has an on duty cycle of only 25 percent. So flicker from Active
Shutter Glasses should be more prevalent than in CRTs. These effects produce
noticeable picture flicker or shimmer for many people (including the author)
and is a major source of visual discomfort and fatigue that can cause
headaches, and for some dizziness and other symptoms that are listed in the
legal disclaimer pamphlets included with the TVs. While not everyone notices
flicker, it is still possible to be affected by flicker and not be aware that
it is present. Subliminal flicker, which is flicker just below the threshold of
conscious detection, can also cause visual fatigue. There are good reasons for
suspecting that a portion of the eye strain associated with 3D TV is the result
of flicker and subliminal flicker from Active Glasses. It’s important to be on
the lookout for any sort of visual discomfort when watching 3D (or 2D) TV. Be
sure to read our recommendations for maximizing TV viewing comfort and
minimizing eye strain at the end of the article.
Active Glasses – Ambient Light Flicker: Electric lighting doesn’t normally
produce visible flicker because its brightness varies at 120 Hz, twice the
power line frequency. Unfortunately, that is virtually identical to the Active
Glasses shutter frequency, so the two of them beat against one another to
produce noticeable flicker because of their phase differences. Fluorescent and
Compact Fluorescent bulbs can produce noticeable flicker if they light up any
part of the TV viewing area. They should be turned off when watching 3D with
Active Glasses. Incandescent bulbs typically produce less flicker with Active Glasses
because of their thermal inertia, but note that using them with light dimmers
will increase flicker because they work by reducing the power duty cycle.
3D Plasma TVs use Active Shutter Glasses that are virtually identical to the
LCD models, all of the above conclusions regarding flicker most likely apply to
them as well.
FPR Passive Glasses: TVs with FPR Passive Glasses don’t produce any image flicker
or ambient light flicker because the screen images are refreshed in exactly the
same way as in 2D and the Passive Glasses don’t have any active switching
elements so they don’t modulate any of the light intensities. FPR TVs are
flicker free.
That always
present and annoying picture flicker is one reason why many people have
previously shunned 3D TV (including the author). The flicker free 3D from FPR
Passive Glasses is a major advantage. Next we consider Crosstalk and then
Sharpness and Resolution issues and other differences between the two 3D TV

Figure 4. Photo Demonstrating 3D Crosstalk and Ghosting
through the Sony Active Glasses
From IMAX Space Station 3D
Left-Right Crosstalk and Ghosting
By far the most important aspect
for producing good 3D is making sure that the right and left eyes see only
their intended images – so they don’t detect any image content intended for the
opposite eye. Such contamination is called Crosstalk. In addition to being
annoying it muffles the 3D visual effects and causes eye strain because the
Crosstalk produces ghost images that have zero parallax, which conflicts with
the parallax in the main image. When there is a large 3D effect with lots of
parallax, the two eye images are then noticeably separated, so the ghosts
appear as distinct double images. When the 3D effect is smaller and more subtle,
like most of the time in the natural world, the two right and left images
appear close together and then the Crosstalk makes the image fuzzy, which
attenuates the 3D information and depth effect. The amount of Crosstalk can be
measured with a Spectroradiometer peering through the 3D glasses. The ratio of
Luminance contamination between the eyes is called the Crosstalk Ratio – the
larger the ratio the better. Crosstalk and Ghosting are most annoying and
easily seen in images that have high contrast or strong colors with large
parallax offsets, but they are actually more destructive of 3D imaging when
they affect small parallax offsets that are not easily noticed visually.
Crosstalk and Ghosting with Viewing Angle and Position
2D you can watch any good quality LCD TV from a wide range of viewing positions
and viewing angles. All four of the tested 3D TVs performed better than most
2D-only TVs in this regard because they have better LCD panels. If your mother
once told you not to sit too close to the TV, she may have been thinking ahead
to 3D because when you are watching 3D, the 3D imaging, Crosstalk and eye
strain depend much more on viewing angle, position and distance.
Viewing Distance
The closer you sit to the TV the greater the
field of view and the greater the immersive experience. But you shouldn’t sit
too close when watching 3D because it’s more likely to cause eye strain from
vergence and accommodation virtual image depth effects. We’ll discuss this in a
later section.
The manufacturers provide varied distance
recommendations: the LG documentation recommends a viewing distance of at
least twice the diagonal screen size, which for 47” is 7.8 feet. The Vizio
documentation recommends a viewing distance of 6 to 9 feet with 7.5 feet called
optimal for the 47” model. The Samsung documentation recommends a viewing
distance of 6 to 20 feet (no mention of screen size) and the Sony documentation
does not mention viewing distance.
best viewing distance will vary from person to person – a compromise between
visual immersion and eye strain. You’ll need to experiment to find the best 3D
viewing distances for yourself, but note that it can vary with the content you
are viewing – if there is a lot of exaggerated 3D and Out of the Screen effects
you may need to sit further away than when watching more subtle 3D like in the
movie Avatar. I had no problems watching most 3D content from only 6
feet, but for some content I found 8 feet reduced eye fatigue. Since the
average home TV viewing distance is around 9 feet that is probably a better all
around compromise for everyone.
Viewing Positions
best viewing positions for 3D are when the middle of the screen is at eye
level. This provides the best 3D imaging and immersive experience. It’s no
surprise that the best viewing position of all is right at the exact center
with a straight ahead view, but watching from any position within 30 degrees of
center still provides good 3D. If you are 6 feet from the TV, ±30 degrees will
include everyone on a 7 foot sofa, at 9 feet there is a 10 foot long sitting
area. It’s even better if people are spread out in a circle in different
Because of
the way the brain processes 3D information, viewers at different viewing angles
will see somewhat different perspective views of the same 3D image. The effect
can be quite large when a scene has significant depth. We discuss this in
detail below.
Vertical Viewing Angle
When the middle of the screen is not at eye
height then the screen needs to be tilted so that it is perpendicular to the
line of sight for optimal 3D viewing. If it isn’t the difference is called the
vertical viewing angle. If people, especially children, are watching 3D while
sitting on the floor then they need to sit further back to keep the angle small
(see below) or you need a tilt mount for the TV. A tilt mount is essential if
you have put the TV high up, like over a fireplace. Be sure not to combine
Vertical Angles with off center Horizontal Viewing because their combined
Crosstalk and perspective effects are cumulative.
Crosstalk with Viewing Angle
The best 3D
imaging is when the TV is being viewed straight ahead at eye level. This
provides zero degrees horizontal and vertical viewing angles to the center of
the screen and produces the least amount of Crosstalk and Ghosting. That
provides the best 3D viewing as discussed above. We measured the Crosstalk by
using a Spectroradiometer peering through the right and then left lenses of the
3D Glasses together with 3D test patterns. The ratio of brightness to leakage
in the opposite eye is the Crosstalk Ratio – the larger the better. It’s
similar to Contrast Ratio, but for 3D. Table 2 shows the measured values.
For typical
Horizontal and Vertical Viewing Angles the Passive Glasses have a much better
Crosstalk Ratio than the Active Glasses, and as a result produce better 3D
imaging and less visible ghosting, as shown in Table 2. This is true at 0
degrees and for all horizontal angles up through at least 30 degrees (the
largest angle we measured, which is typical for living rooms). This was easy to
see in the viewing tests as well, which are discussed in a later section.
Vertical Viewing Angles Passive Glasses perform better only up until about 20
degrees, when their Crosstalk increases rapidly. For larger vertical angles
Active Glasses perform much better, but viewing 3D TVs at larger Vertical
Angles is not recommended in order to maintain satisfactory 3D Imaging and to
minimize eye strain. This is especially important when off center Horizontal
Viewing is also involved because their combined Crosstalk and perspective
effects are cumulative. Using a tilt mount for the TV can bring the Vertical
Viewing Angle down to 0 degrees. 10 degrees corresponds to a child sitting on
the floor at 6 feet from the TV when it’s on a standard 22” high TV stand,
which is the largest vertical angle anyone should experience when watching 3D
FPR Viewing Positions and Distances
The FPR TVs do have some viewing constraints that do not
affect normal 3D TV viewing, but it is important to know what they are. These
constraints do not apply when watching 2D. For normal straight ahead viewing
(without a tilt mount) the vertical eye level for FPR TVs should be between the
top and bottom of the screen when watching close by from a distance of 6 feet,
otherwise the 3D Crosstalk will increase significantly. So it’s better not to
watch 3D TV standing up, which you shouldn’t be doing anyway. But if you really
want to, and are 6 feet tall, then just watch from at least 8 feet away. Also,
for proper FPR 3D Imaging it is important not to watch 3D TV from closer than 6
feet for proper 3D Image Fusion, which will be discussed in detail below. You
shouldn’t be doing that anyway due to eye strain from
vergence and accommodation virtual image depth effects. Note that these
constraints do not apply to watching 2D images and do not affect normal 3D TV
Table 2. Measured 3D
Left-Right Crosstalk Ratio with Viewing Angle – Larger is Better
Samsung TV
Active Glasses
Sony TV
Active Glasses
Passive Glasses
Vizio TV
Passive Glasses
Straight On 0°
Viewing Angle
Center Eye Level
Viewing Distance
6 feet or more
Crosstalk 65 : 1
Crosstalk 59 : 1
Crosstalk 209 : 1
Crosstalk 152 : 1
Horizontal 30°
Viewing Angle
Center Eye Level
Typical for many
Living Rooms
Crosstalk 15 : 1
Crosstalk 10 : 1
Crosstalk 144 : 1
Crosstalk 132 : 1
Vertical 10°
Viewing Angle
Child sitting on floor
with eye height 25”
Viewing Distance
6 feet with the TV on
a 22” high TV Stand
Not Recommended
Crosstalk 31 : 1
Crosstalk 21 : 1
Crosstalk 90 : 1
Crosstalk 23 : 1
The FPR Black Matrix is Not
The FPR LCDs have a larger separation between adjacent TV
lines than the other LCDs in order to properly register the micropolarizer and
also increase the range of vertical viewing angles before the 3D Crosstalk
becomes large. It is implemented by making the Black Matrix mask that surrounds
all pixels on all LCD panels a bit thicker between adjacent lines for the FPR
LCDs. I have read several instances where the visibility of the Black Matrix
has been mentioned without actually checking to see if it’s true under actual
TV viewing conditions. So I decided to measure it and settle the issue…
Using a high power magnifier that has a 0.1mm reticle I
measured 0.55mm for the pixel-to-pixel distance (called the pixel pitch) and
0.20mm for the thickness of the FPR Black Matrix. So the Black Matrix for the
FPR units is roughly 36% of the pixel pitch, which is essentially the same size
as the individual Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels that make up each pixel, 33%.
All of the TVs have this same sub-pixel pitch. So when I look at all of the TVs
(including the Samsung and Sony) close up, I can see the Red, Green and Blue
sub-pixel stripes only when I am 2 feet or closer from the screen. The same
applies to the Black Matrix on the FPR TVs. At roughly 2.5 feet and beyond I am
unable to see the sub-pixel structure or the Black Matrix. That is true for
both 3D and 2D – so the FPR Black Matrix is invisible for all normal TV viewing
distances of 6 feet or more as discussed above. This should settle the issue
once and for all…
Crosstalk and Ghosting with Head Tilt
watching 2D TV you can tilt your head any way you like and it won’t affect the
picture (unless you are looking at an LCD with linearly polarized sunglasses).
When you are watching with 3D Glasses both the Brightness and Crosstalk will
vary depending on how much you tilt your head. We’ll discuss the effect of Head
Tilt on 3D imaging and depth perception below. The best viewing results are
obviously with no Head Tilt (0 degrees). But unless your head is in a vise its
tilt is likely to vary by 15 to 30 degrees during normal TV viewing. 45 degree
Head Tilt is typical when leaning on something like a pillow, and if you lie
down on a sofa your Head Tilt is 90 degrees. The measured values for both
Brightness (as a percentage) and Crosstalk Ratio are shown in Table 3.
Active Glasses: There are significant performance differences between the Samsung and
Sony Active Glasses with Head Tilt. For the Sony Glasses there is a rapid
increase in Crosstalk with angle – at a mere 15 degrees the Crosstalk Ratio
falls from 59 to 14, a 76% decrease. At 45 degrees Head Tilt each eye sees
equal amounts of the right and left images, and at 90 degrees the right and
left images are interchanged, which produces 3D depth inversion. It’s shocking
that Sony is shipping anything with such poor 3D performance. What’s even more
incredible is that the problem is easily fixed by merely adding a linear
polarizer to the glasses (not rocket science). Sony may have done this because
an extra polarizer lowers the light transmission and brightness by roughly 15
percent. On the other hand, Samsung Glasses do have the polarizer, so their
Crosstalk Ratio remains relatively constant with angle (it actually increases
slightly) but the 3D Brightness decreases with Head Tilt angle – which is a lot
better than the behavior of the Sony Glasses.
FPR Passive Glasses: For the TVs with FPR Passive Glasses the Brightness remains unchanged
for all angles up through 90 degrees, and the Crosstalk Ratio remains fairly
high until 45 degrees, when it falls to a value comparable to Active Glasses at
0 degrees tilt. In fact, Passive Glasses continue performing even at a full 90
degrees Head Tilt, which is what happens when you watch TV lying down. While
the FPR and Passive Glasses continue to work all the way to 90 degrees, the
brain’s 3D vision starts fading above 45 degrees. The reason is that as the
head tilts the brain is expecting the 3D parallax to follow along with the eyes
but the TV only produces horizontal 3D parallax, so depth perception fades away
and you only see a 2D image when lying down.
Table 3. Measured 3D
Brightness and Crosstalk Ratio with Head Tilt – Larger is Better
Samsung TV
Active Glasses
Sony TV
Active Glasses
Passive Glasses
Vizio TV
Passive Glasses
Head Not Tilted
0 degrees
Brightness 100%
Crosstalk 65 : 1
Brightness 100%
Crosstalk 59 : 1
Brightness 100%
Crosstalk 209 : 1
Brightness 100%
Crosstalk 152 : 1
Head Tilted
15 degrees
Brightness 95%
Crosstalk 77 : 1
Brightness 92 %
Crosstalk 14 : 1
Brightness 100%
Crosstalk 178 : 1
Brightness 100%
Crosstalk 139 : 1
Head Tilted
30 degrees
Brightness 80%
Crosstalk 84 : 1
Brightness 71%
Crosstalk 3 : 1
Brightness 100%
Crosstalk 124 : 1
Brightness 101%
Crosstalk 111 : 1
Head Tilted
45 degrees
Brightness 61%
Crosstalk 188 : 1
Brightness 51%
Crosstalk 1 : 1
Brightness 101%
Crosstalk 61 : 1
Brightness 102%
Crosstalk 56 : 1
Head Tilted
90 degrees
Not Recommended
Brightness 0.00%
Crosstalk NA
Brightness 7%
Crosstalk 0.1 : 1
Brightness 103%
Crosstalk 28 : 1
Brightness 104%
Crosstalk 25 : 1

Figure 5. Scene from IMAX Space Station 3D on the Samsung
TV without 3D Glasses
3D Imaging, Resolution and Sharpness Viewing Tests
So far we have concentrated on the 3D technology and
measurements. But the real bottom line here is how well do these 3D TV
technologies perform in delivering convincing, comfortable, enjoyable and high
quality 3D imaging and viewing experiences. Since 3D vision occurs in the
brain, the instruments cannot take us any further, but it is still possible to
objectively evaluate 3D imaging by watching carefully chosen 3D content. What’s
more, some of this is quantifiable as we demonstrate below.
3D Imaging
the 3D Imaging tests we used a wide selection of 3D Blu-ray movies and some
DisplayMate computer based 3D test patterns. We watched over a dozen movies
while following the Recommendations for 3D TV
Viewing section, including live action (Avatar, Tron Legacy, and Alice
in Wonderland – all of which use post-production 3D effects), IMAX
documentaries (Space Station 3D, Hubble 3D, Grand Canyon Adventure 3D, Deep
Sea 3D, and The Ultimate Wave: Tahiti 3D), animated features (Despicable
Me 3D, Legend of the Guardians 3D, and Open Season 3D). We also watched 3D
Aquarium and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 3D.
IMAX documentaries were the best sources for testing 3D realism and imagery
because they are the closest to natural 3D and have the fewest special effects.
Space Station 3D and Hubble 3D have by far the finest image
details for evaluating and demoing the performance of 3D TVs. Avatar was
the most requested title for people that came to see the 3D Shoot-out and
everyone was just as thrilled by it on the FPR TVs with Passive Glasses as in
the movie theaters. The other live action movies were good primarily for
evaluating how much better (or worse) 3D is as a TV viewing experience. The
animated features were fabulous for experiencing the limitless possibilities of
computer generated imagery. Everyone that watched the roller coaster scene in Despicable
Me commented on the sensational 3D experience of an actual roller coaster
All of the TVs produced good large scale 3D visual
effects and 3D images, but they also displayed the 3D issues that we have
discussed in the previous sections. In particular, both of the Active Glasses
TVs had noticeable picture Flicker and much more Crosstalk and Ghosting than
the Passive Glasses TVs. The Sony Glasses were so sensitive to head tilt that
we consider them unacceptable for watching 3D. (If you have a Sony 3D TV
consider getting aftermarket Active Shutter Glasses).
3D Perspective Visual Effects
One of the most fascinating visual effects of 3D
TV is how the 3D image changes as you change your viewing position. If you are
looking at a still image in 2D and change your viewing angle by walking left
and right in front of the TV, the image of the TV picture produced by the brain
stays the same as you move. But when you do that in 3D the picture appears
almost holographic because the brain continuously reworks the perspective
geometry of the image as you change your viewing position. As a result, people
sitting at different locations will see somewhat different perspective
geometries of the same 3D image. The effect can grow to be quite large for
images with significant depth. It sometimes seems as if you might be able to
see additional things that are currently obscured by shifting your viewing
position even more, but of course that never happens, you only see an
increasingly shifted perspective view. It’s one more interesting facet of 3D TV
of my favorite examples of this effect is at 10:47 in IMAX Space Station 3D, which
shows a protruding glove and orange pipe in front of a deep equipment area with
lots of fine image detail. Press Pause on the player and change your viewing
position by ±45 degrees and see how the perspective geometry fluidly changes
dramatically as you move. Two other excellent examples are at 22:18 and 33:17.
3D Imaging and 3D Picture Quality
image at 10:47 in IMAX Space Station 3D is also one of my favorite
examples for demonstrating the superior visual 3D Imaging and 3D picture
quality provided by FPR TVs with Passive Glasses. With Passive Glasses you feel
that you are right there in the Space Station with a convincing, clear and
realistic 3D image that has crisp 3D detail and good 3D Contrast throughout,
and without any noticeable visual artifacts. With Active Glasses there is so
much large scale Crosstalk that generates ghosts and poor 3D Contrast, and
small scale Crosstalk that produces fuzzy 3D that the image looks quite phony –
and then there is the annoying flicker from the Active Glasses. There are
plenty of comparable demonstrative examples in the wide range of 3D content
that we viewed. Visually the differences between these two 3D technologies are
immense when compared side-by-side – FPR TVs with Passive Glasses provide a
substantially higher quality 3D visual image and 3D visual experience than the
TVs with Active Glasses. Try this and the other comparisons we list yourself…
3D Sharpness and Resolution
we mentioned in the introductory 3D TV Technology
section, large scale 3D visual effects and 3D Imaging are fairly easy for any
3D technology. It is the subtle 3D effects based on fine image details and
small scale parallax that are the most technically difficult for any 3D
technology to accurately reproduce. Each of the 3D TV technologies have their
own particular challenging issues: for 3D TVs with Active Glasses the problem
is the limited Response Time of the LCD when rapidly switching between the
right and left images, which causes small scale Crosstalk that muffles fine 3D
structure and detail. For 3D TVs with Passive Glasses the problem is that each
eye only receives half of the 1080 lines in the image. We will take up this
latter technically very interesting and widely misunderstood topic first.
FPR Resolution and Image Fusion
Because FPR TVs provide
only 540 lines to each eye, it’s easy to see why many people (and some
reviewers) conclude that FPR technology delivers only half of the HD 1080 lines
resolution. That conclusion is reinforced when you walk up close to an FPR TV wearing
Passive Glasses and see the gaps between the odd and even TV lines in each eye.
But it’s not that simple because we watch TV from a far enough distance that
the lines are not resolved and we know that the brain combines the images from
both eyes into a single 3D image (the one we actually see) in a process called
Image Fusion. Many people seem to get stuck on this particular issue and can’t
get beyond it and think about what is really being seen in actual 3D vision.
theory and fundamental principle behind full FPR vertical resolution and
sharpness is that the 3D TV images have only horizontal parallax from the horizontally
offset cameras, so the vertical image content for the right and left eyes are
in fact identical – but with purely horizontal parallax offsets from their
different right and left camera viewpoints. So there isn’t any 3D imaging
information that is missing because all of the necessary vertical resolution
and parallax information is available when the brain combines the right and left
images into the 3D image we actually see. So as long as the viewing distance is
sufficient so that the raster lines are not visually resolved (for 20/20 vision
the visual resolution is 1 arc min, which corresponds to 6.1 feet for a 47 inch
TV) the brain should fuse the images from the right and left eyes into a single
full 1080p resolution 3D image. One important detail to note is that there are
actually two entirely equivalent odd-even and even-odd line pairings for both
the right and left FPR images, so both FPR TVs alternate between them at their
full Refresh Rate. This also eliminates image artifacts that would result from
picking just one pairing or the other.
is the theory and principle behind 3D Image Fusion for FPR, so now we need to
actually test it to see how accurate it is and how sharp the 3D images actually
This can not be evaluated with instrumentation or cameras – only visually –
but it can be done in an analytic and systematic fashion with objective
quantifiable results that anyone can duplicate at home
to verify our results and conclusions on 3D TV imaging and sharpness for
themselves. Here’s how…

2D Samsung TV
Direct Screen Shot
Without Any Glasses

3D Samsung TV
Direct Screen Shot
Without 3D Active Glasses

Direct Screen Shot
Without 3D Passive Glasses
Figure 6. Example of 3D Sharpness Evaluation Using Small
Image Text in IMAX Space Station 3D
These are Direct Screen Shots That Are All Taken Without
Any 3D Glasses
This is the
Largest Text Size Example from Table 4. On-Screen Text Height is Approximately
5mm or 10 Pixels.
3D Sharpness and Resolution Viewing Tests
The best way to evaluate
3D Sharpness and Resolution, including FPR Image Fusion, is by comparing and
measuring fine image details on different TVs by watching carefully chosen 3D
content. The method we use is in effect a Reverse Vision Test. In a
standard vision test eye sharpness is evaluated by seeing how small a text you
can read on a printed eye chart at a fixed distance. In a Reverse Vision
Test 3D image sharpness is evaluated by how small a text or fine image
details can be read or resolved on a given 3D TV at a fixed distance.
excellent source for visually evaluating image sharpness and 3D Image Fusion is
the Blu-ray documentary IMAX Space Station 3D because: it has very high
quality 3D imaging shot by NASA with an IMAX stereo camera without artificial
effects or special effects (2) there is a tremendous amount of very fine image
detail in the equipment in the NASA lab facilities on Earth and on the Space
Station that are fantastic for evaluating sharpness and image detail (3) there
are lots of labels and printed signs with small text throughout the spacecraft
walls and instruments that are especially useful for precisely evaluating
sharpness by examining how readable the small text is on each of the TVs.
many cases the text is too small to be resolved on any of the TVs. But we found
that we could resolve on-screen text as small as 3mm in height at a viewing
distance of 6 feet on the TVs. This corresponds to text as small as 6 pixels.
On IMAX Space Station 3D we found 14 instances of readable text between
3 and 5mm in height corresponding to 6 to 10 pixels in height at the full 1080
HD resolution. If there is Image Fusion we should be able to read this particularly
small text (6 to 10 pixels in height) on the Passive Glasses, but if the
Passive Glasses only deliver half the resolution, as some claim, then it will
be impossible to read this small text on the FPR TVs.
the points on the Space Station 3D Blu-ray disc that had interesting
fine image detail we paused the Blu-ray player, recorded the time positions on
the disc, which are listed in Table 4 below, so that
anyone can find the same exact scenes and check and verify our results and
conclusions. Table 4 lists the disc times, the actual
text we found (which can be anywhere on-screen), the pixel height of the text,
whether is was readable on the FPR Passive Glasses, and which 3D technology
delivered the sharpest and most readable image of the small text. The tests
were all done at the closest recommended 3D viewing distance of 6 feet.
In all 14 cases the small text (6
to 10 pixels in height) was readable on the FPR Passive Glasses. This
definitively establishes that there is excellent 3D Image Fusion and the
Passive Glasses deliver full 1080p resolution.
Again, if the Passive Glasses only delivered half the resolution, as some
claim, then it would have been impossible to read the small text on the FPR
TVs. So those half resolution claims are manifestly wrong – no, ands ifs or
What is even more interesting is
that in all cases the small text on the Passive Glasses was actually sharper
and easier to read and the fine details easier to resolve than on the Active
Glasses. This is the result of Crosstalk,
ghosting and Response Time issues that reduce image 3D sharpness and contrast
in Active Glasses TVs, which have been discussed in earlier sections. Because
Passive Glasses are sharper and also have much less Crosstalk than Active
Glasses they also deliver significantly better 3D imaging and a much better 3D
immersive visual experience as we concluded above.
We also compared the small text
3D visual sharpness to the 2D sharpness by repeatedly turning the 3D mode on
and off for each of the TVs and watching in 3D with glasses and then in 2D
without glasses. In all cases the images were
sharper in 2D than in 3D, but the differences were much smaller with the FPR
TVs than with the TVs with Active Shutter Glasses. In fact, the small text 3D
visual sharpness on the FPR TVs were only slightly less than in 2D,
reinforcing our conclusion that the Passive Glasses deliver 3D Image Fusion
with full 3D 1080p resolution and are visually sharper in 3D than Active
Glasses because of the Crosstalk, ghosting and Response Time issues mentioned
above. We show below that it’s easy enough for anyone
to check these results at home by repeating the
visual tests listed in Table 4.
Some reviewers have evaluated 3D TVs by analyzing the
combined display hardware performance for the right and left channels instead
of the actual 3D visual performance tests that we have done. That simply leads
to incorrect conclusions in the case of 3D vision because of Image Fusion in
the brain. In fact, based on our own extensive display diagnostic tests it is
clear that the FPR TVs have been optimized for the best 3D visual performance
when viewing natural photographic and video content instead of the best
hardware diagnostic performance – that is most likely why they perform so well
with 3D vision. So reviewers and analysts relying on
display diagnostics have their heads in the sand, are failing to see the forest
for the trees, are barking up the wrong tree, and arriving at results that
don’t apply to actual human 3D vision!
3D Visual Image Fusion Examples
At 5:08 there is small 5mm high text on the screen
(roughly 10 pixels high) that says "CONTROLLED WORK AREA" on a sign
in the foreground. See Figure 6. When close up to the FPR TVs, the screen
(without wearing the FPR Passive Glasses) showed the expected odd-even
staggered lines of the text image for the right and left eyes. Looking up close
through the FPR glasses I saw the broken up text until I reached 5.5 feet from
the screen, where the image "magically" fused visually in my head and
I saw a single 3D image of sharp readable text. This fusion distance is
consistent with my slightly better than 20/20 vision. At our standard 6 to 8
feet viewing distances the image text was noticeably sharper and easier to read
on the FPR TVs than on the Active Glasses TVs. This definitively establishes
that there is good 3D Image Fusion occurring with FPR and that it delivers full
1080p resolution not the half 540p resolution that some reviewers have
indicated. The reason for the lack of sharpness on the Active Glasses TVs has
to do with Crosstalk from the limited Response Time of the LCD screen and the
LCD shutters on the Active Glasses.
Another type of 3D imaging test with an interesting set
of examples are the Astronaut's family snapshots posted on the spacecraft
walls, which appear as collections of small photos in the background. There are
a total of 16 snapshots at 33:17 and 33:39. It is possible to make out lots of
well defined details within these small snapshots and use them as a measure of
sharpness. In all cases it is possible to make out much more photo image detail
within the snapshots on the FPR TVs than on the Active Glasses TVs – for
example the facial details: eyes, nose and mouth were much easier to make out
on the FPR TVs. Again, this definitively establishes that there is good 3D
Image Fusion occurring with FPR and that it delivers full 1080p resolution.
Again, the reason for the lack of sharpness and detail on the Active Glasses
TVs has to do with Crosstalk from the limited Response Time of the LCD screen
and the LCD shutters on the Active Glasses.
4. 3D Sharpness Viewing Tests in IMAX Space Station 3D
Readability of tiny text in videos is an excellent measure of display image
sharpness in 3D
Disc Time
Text or Object
Sharpest Most Readable
Text and Image Detail
10 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
“Flight Tools Box C”
8 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
8 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
6 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
6 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
“United Space Alliance”
8 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
6 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
6 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
6 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
8 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
6 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
8 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
6 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
8 pixels
FPR Passive Glasses
Fine image details in 8 photos on wall
FPR Passive Glasses
Fine image details in 8 photos on wall
FPR Passive Glasses
You Can Easily Do Your Own 3D Visual Sharpness Tests at Home!
have backed our conclusions with lots of solid evidence, but you don’t need to
take our word for it because it’s very easy for anyone with a 3D TV and Blu-ray
player to perform the same 3D visual sharpness tests at home – so you
can actually settle the 3D TV Sharpness Controversy yourself! You just need a
high quality source of natural 3D content – the best one by far is IMAX
Space Station 3D because it has very high quality 3D imaging shot by NASA
with an IMAX stereo camera without artificial effects or special effects and
has lots of very fine image detail that are fantastic for evaluating 3D
sharpness. If you don’t have this particular title use any 3D Blu-ray movie –
live is better than animated – use any 3D movie that you have. Be sure to
follow our Recommendations for 3D TV Viewing
section. If it’s convenient for you to do the tests at the minimum 6 feet
viewing distance do so only if you are comfortable with that close viewing distance.
The simplest test is just to compare the 3D visual
sharpness and contrast to the 2D sharpness and contrast. Pick a scene that has
lots of fine image detail and press Pause on the Blu-ray player. Then
repeatedly turn the 3D mode on and off for the TV and watch in 3D with glasses
and then in 2D without glasses. Every 3D TV has a remote control button that
lets you do this easily. Compare the image sharpness and image contrast in 2D
and 3D. In all cases the 2D image will be sharper, but flip between them a few
times to see exactly what the differences are visually.
best test is to look at the small text examples in IMAX Space Station 3D
that we identify in Table 4 with their time positions on
the disc so you can find the exact scenes with the small text. Repeat the same
3D to 2D visual comparison but now compare the readability of this very small
text. If you have an FPR TV with Passive Glasses then you can verify for
yourself that it delivers 3D visual sharpness that is close to the 2D 1080p
Instances When FPR 3D Image Fusion May Not Work
3D Image
Fusion works very well with FPR almost all of the time with the wide range of
movie content that we viewed, but there are situations where it doesn’t work
well and may produce some visible artifacts. That’s generally acceptable
because they are seldom noticeable and every technology has at least some
occasional issues and limits.
3D Image
Fusion may not work well when there is insufficient image context to allow the
brain to pair up the parallax from the right and left eye images. With FPR that
happens when there is content with very thin nearly horizontal line structures
that occur in high contrast situations. For example, in IMAX Space Station
3D you occasionally see some moiré and jagged lines from the thin white
edges of the solar panels when they appear almost horizontal, and also with the
thin white cables on the Shuttle bay doors when they also are almost horizontal
– both against the blackness of outer space in high contrast. Examples are at 3:37 and 6:52 for the solar panels and 3:10 and 11:20 for the cables. In all of these
cases the jagged line artifacts are barely noticeable unless you are searching
for them.
For similar reasons FPR performs best when displaying natural
photographic and video content rather than (artificially generated) computer
graphics that contains line drawings, tables or any other fine single pixel
content because they don’t provide sufficient context to allow the brain to
pair up the parallax from the right and left eye images. On the other hand
photographic content is loaded visual contexts, so that’s why FPR works very
well with virtually all photos, videos and movies.
Recommendations for Viewing 3D TVs
There are a number of simple
steps that can be taken to maximize TV viewing comfort and reduce the
likelihood of eye strain and fatigue for viewing 3D TVs. Many of them apply to
normal 2D viewing as well.
set the center of the TV as close to eye height as possible – use a tilt mount
if it isn’t. The principal viewing positions should be close to straight on and
not at a large viewing angle. Orient the TV to minimize reflections from room
lighting, windows and sunlight. If that is not possible use window treatments
to control exterior light.
Ambient Lighting: make sure the ambient lighting is not too
bright – which washes out the picture and 3D imaging – but also make sure that
it’s not too dim either, with all of the lights turned off, because that
definitely causes eye strain from excessive contrast in the visual field. It’s
best to have some subdued illumination surrounding the TV. Consider repositioning, dimming or
turning off room lights that reflect off the screen. If you have Active Shutter
Glasses consider turning off any fluorescent lights or replacing them with LED
or incandescent bulbs.
Adjustments: be proactive and make a few adjustments to the TV Menu settings. The
most important are Backlight Brightness and Color. Set them appropriately for
your viewing conditions and comfort: not too high or too low, just right…
Start off by significantly lowering the Backlight Brightness so it is too dim,
then slowly raise it until it feels just right. TVs are frequently set too
bright for night viewing, which causes eye strain. Excessively strong color can
also cause eye strain, consider adjusting it as well for maximum comfort.
3D Viewing Issues:
watching 3D TV some of the above issues become more important, and there are
also a few additional considerations:
1. Don’t sit too close to the TV – a minimum of 6 to 8 feet. Move
back if you sense eye strain or fatigue. Proper eye height and optimum viewing
angles are especially important for viewing 3D. A tilt mount is essential if
you have put the TV high up, like over a fireplace.
2. Don’t watch 3D in the dark. Make sure there is sufficient ambient
light so that you can focus on the bezel or frame of the TV in order to make it easy for your
eyes to establish the proper focal distance for the on-screen 3D images.
3. Avoid
staring at out of focus objects and content because your eyes will
automatically try to bring them into focus, and can’t, which causes eye strain.
Limit the amount of extreme 3D and Out of the Screen effects, which often lead
to eye strain. Consider sitting further back from the TV if there is a lot of
Because of the way the brain processes 3D information, viewers at different
viewing angles will see somewhat different perspective views of the same 3D
image. The effect can be quite large when a scene has significant depth.
6. Don’t combine large vertical viewing
angles with off center horizontal viewing because their combined Crosstalk and
perspective effects are cumulative.
Recommendations for 3D Producers
biggest issue for 3D production is using the same cameras and camera techniques
for combined 2D and 3D shooting. For 3D try not to have anything out of focus
anywhere in the picture – in particular don’t use focus and limited depth of
field to highlight the main object of attention the way it is normally done
with 2D. It’s very important to maximize the depth of field and keep everything
in focus at all times for 3D content.
People have very different tolerance levels for the amount
of extreme 3D and Out of the Screen effects they can watch without suffering
eye strain and fatigue. For 3D Blu-ray content give viewers a setup option to
choose the amount and degree of the effects that they would like to see and
then implement it with Seamless Branching during playback.
Article Series Link: Display Technology Shoot-Out Article Series Overview and Home
thanks to Nick Stam and Andrew Fear of NVIDIA and Jim Taylor and Tom Kopin of Kramer Electronics
for their help and providing hardware, software and support.
About the
Dr. Raymond Soneira
is President of DisplayMate Technologies Corporation of Amherst, New Hampshire,
which produces video calibration, evaluation, and diagnostic products for
consumers, technicians, and manufacturers. See www.displaymate.com. He
is a research scientist with a career that spans physics, computer science, and
television system design. Dr. Soneira obtained his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics
from Princeton University, spent 5 years as a Long-Term Member of the world
famous Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, another 5 years as a
Principal Investigator in the Computer Systems Research Laboratory at AT&T
Bell Laboratories, and has also designed, tested, and installed color television
broadcast equipment for the CBS Television Network Engineering and Development
Department. He has authored over 35 research articles in scientific journals in
physics and computer science, including Scientific American. If you have any
comments or questions about the article, you can contact him at dtso.info@displaymate.com.
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